Welcome to NVAR's Regional REALTOR® Legal Hotline

The Legal Hotline is an exclusive REALTOR®-only benefit which allows REALTORS® in the greater Northern Virginia region access to full-time staff attorneys for all of their real estate-related questions! Our attorneys are fluent in the NAR Code of Ethics, NVAR Standardized Forms, and relevant real estate law. An NVAR attorney will call you in response to your submission in most cases within a few hours, but certainly within one business day. Please ensure that your phone number is accurate in your submission. NVAR attorneys will not email answers to any submissions.

NVAR Legal Hotline Terms of Use

By submitting a question to the NVAR Legal Hotline, you agree to the following:

As a REALTOR® and a member of a Northern Virginia-based REALTOR® Association and a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, I agree that I have read and understand the explanation of the Legal Hotline purpose and operation. I understand that the Legal Hotline is intended to keep the Association abreast of legal developments and concerns involving real estate brokerages and sales.

I understand that the Legal Hotline provides legal information, not legal representation. NVAR's attorneys will not represent any party (neither you, your firm, or your clients or customers) in any proceeding or transaction. Your firm's attorney should continue to be an important part of your business and you should encourage your clients to seek legal counsel as appropriate.

I understand and agree that the Northern Virginia Association of REALTORS® assumes no actual or implied responsibility for any improper use or misuse of responses to questions through this service. I also understand and agree that I may not convey, represent, or imply to others, including without limitations, clients, customers, or other licensees, that information obtained through this service is legal advice rendered by or on behalf of NVAR.

I understand and agree that the Legal Hotline attorneys will provide summaries of the Legal Hotline inquiries, without attribution to any caller(s), for education purposes of NVAR and that my questions may appear in NVAR publications or as examples during education classes.

Contact Information & Question