The REALTOR® Party is a powerful alliance of REALTORS® and REALTOR® Associations working to advance public policies and candidates that build strong communities protect property interests and promote a vibrant business environment.
As a member of the REALTOR® Party your registering to vote and voting are one of the simplest, but also one of the most important ways to helping the REALTOR® Party voice be heard. By voting for local, state and national candidates that support REALTOR® issues, regardless of their party affiliation, you are helping to advance private property rights and home ownership.
Industry professionalism is key to ensuring that Realtors® remain at the center of the real estate transaction. As technological advances and changing business structures alter the traditional real estate landscape, the association is a professional ally. NVAR, Virginia Realtors® and the National Association of Realtors® collaborate to offer Code of Ethics education and enforcement, effective political advocacy, and a robust consumer advertising campaign. Digital, print and email communications deliver industry and association news to advance knowledge, and the profession.